Saturday, May 31, 2008


Spent the day at the show, lots of nice cars, close to 2000, lots of warm sun. Nothing special happened but a good day.
Thursday we went to Pinkees open house/kick off party. A really awesome shop. Huge, spotless, many projects. They served free beer and food..........a good time.
We will go back to the fairgrounds in the morning, leave about 1 PM to go to airport to pick up Rodney.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday night

We woke up Thursday morning to more rainy mist and heavy clouds. Went to my sister's and put the new accelerator pump in the carb, the old one had just come apart and jammed the rod. Easy fix and a quick one too. By the time we hit Sidney, NE about 70 miles the sun had come out, we stopped at a car wash and cleaned the muddy cars. Stopped in Sterling CO for lunch ran into 3 cars of friends from Chicago area at the restaurant. Took the tops off after lunch and came on in "topless" FINALLY!
Today we went to the show, checked out the cars, vendors, etc, nice grounds, new buildings, nice grass. Saw several friends from all over, AZ, CO,IL ,met some new ones from NE, IA,.... good day.
Saturday will be the same deal. Rodney flies in Sunday PM. Then Monday its off to see the sites.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Woke up this morning to more clouds and rain. I checked the radio fuse and was good, but won't light up, lucky for me the battery is 6 inches from the radio, so I ran a jumper wire direct to the battery....I got tunes!! I will trace the broken wire when I get home this fall.
We made it to Dale Boesch Hot Rods in Humphree, NE. What a cool shop, 5 guys working, 6 projects there that are real trick. Across the street he has 4 other cars under construction. We spent about 2 hours there listening to him tell us about all the changes he has done to each car. Like chopping a 55 chevy 3/4 inch, laying the front and back glass down to use stock size. He had a 33 Ford, 55 chev, 36 Ford, malibu, Mustang and a completely hand built steel roadster in the works.
We got to hometown at 4:30, went to Sister's place for a steak BBQ dinner (Free food begins). In the morning we will wash the cars, fix my carb and head for Loveland, CO.
Another great day altho a bit cool! About 400 miles today. Short 250 miles tomorrow.
See ya................................

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 1

We made it to Fremont NE tonite. It was a COLD day. I stopped in Montecello and put on a windbreaker over my Hoodlums sweat shirt, that helped alot. I got the electric blanket out in the cities, that helped even more. 60 miles before Des Moines it started to rain. If you drive fast enough you will stay pretty dry!I met barry In Des Moines at 12:30, pretty much on time. If it was not for the heavy traffic by Rogers to Hwy 55 I would have been on time. It took 3 hours to get to Lakeville....98 miles! I put the top on....turned into a "woosie boy", but a dry one.
As we left Des Moines to head west, I had no throttle, the pedal was jammed. After messing with the carb linkage we figured out the accerlator pump was jammed, I disconnected the lever to the pump and drove every bit as good! Stopped at a NAPA, no acelerator pumps any where. I finally called hometown of Alliance, NE had NAPA order one from Denver, will be in tomorrow, I will put it in tomorrow night or maybe not, might just carry it along. It runs fine with out it!
It is still raining out now, should be clear in the morning, I hope so. It was a fun day.all roadster days are FUN! We will stop at Dale Boesch Hot Rods in the morning to check out his new projects and then onto Alliance for the night.
The radio stopped first thing this morning, I need to check that out, I am tired of hearing me sing, I miss my sirrus tunes.
Thats about all for tonight, talk to you all tomorrow. Dale