Sunday, August 19, 2007

Woke up this morning to more rain, like they said it would, drove to House on the Rock in the pouring rain, spent 2 hours there and then headed for home. It rained for most all of the way, quite hard, the car leaks so it is really wet inside, will get it in the shop tomorrow and turn on the fans to dry her up. Made it for about 2500 mles, no problems, did burn out a headlight tonight, proably got wet inside and killed the bulb because both beams are gone. This racks up 10,000 miles on the delivery since April......not bad, and 5500 in the roadster, and still have September to go! Plans call for Joliet Good guys the third week of September and MAYBE Kerrville Texas????
I hear the Buick is all painted, going there in the morning to see, exciting!
Time to kick back and go to bed real soon.....(almost) too much fun!!!

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