Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Trip tp Louisvill Street rod Nats

I was up at 4 AM and found the skys leaking wet stuff...damn!! I was on the wet road by 4:45, meeting 6 other cars in the cities 85 miles away. I made it by shortly after 6:30 meet time...I hate to be late! It rained most of the drive there. When I hit Hwy 10 and 35W the traffic was almost stopped. I used my east coast style again and stayed in the right lane until the last minute and found a couple of feet between cars to duck into, at least I was moving and staying dry.
After a brief intro to everyone we left at 7 and headed south and east. We decided to take the river route. We followed 65 and then 61 along the Mississippi river all the way to Debuque Iowa. It was a good drive, senic, would have been better if it was bright and sunny.
It rained off and on all day. As we approached Indy the rain picked up. I stayed dry, it all blows over me as I drive. I even had the sweatshirt off for a few hours.
We arrived in Indy at the hotel 750 miles, 15 hours later at about 8:30 PM. It was a fun, good drive but I was ready for a beer and some pizza on the porch of the hotel. It was a long day for an old guy in a topless hot rod.
But you know my HAMB signature line.....a wet cold day in a roadster is better than any day at work! 
That really holds up today.
In the morning we leave at 8 AM. We have only 120 miles to go.

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