Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday at the show

Got to the park at 8 AM, beautiful grassy, many trees, lots of shade...good thing because it was 100 today! We parked on the southwest corner where we could get a breeze all day. The interior of the park was very still, no breeze at all.
Beautiful customs all over. Many celebs, Barris, Bill Hines, Starbird, John D'agistino,just to name a few. Many famous customs. This is really kool show.
There are quite a few vendors, mostly custom stuff, several pinstripers striping cars and selling panels. I bought a really neat panel with a rat fink on it, striping and all of Big Daddy's car's names. I bought the two newest Roger Jetter's story books, I had his first one already.
Tomorrow they are expecting another couple of hundred cars, there were many cars already today.
Tonight was "run what you brung" drags at the old air strip, we chose not to go, went to eat instead. It was hot, we were tired.
I watched them chop a 47 Ford coupe for a while. They had a great band playing all day, lots of things going on.
It was a fun day.

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