Saturday, September 27, 2008

32 cd Annual Deuce Reunion

A beautiful day, sunny, warm, almost hot in the sun, mid 80's, clear blue sky, 125 deuces.....what a great day. I spent the day in the lot talking to deuce guys, sharing stories, looking at the cars, many really nice cars, no dogs anywhere.

Tonight was the banquet and awards. I won long distance and runner up "best sedan" (missed it by one vote!) Quite an honor, I am very pleased. There was a car from CA that also received a distance award, but his was trailered. I got a really neat homemade trophy, a 32 Texas license plate with a rusty tin roadster bolted to it, a little post with this year's dash plaque on it. It is really cool.I talked to the guy that made it tonight after dinner for quite a while. His son is an asst mgr for Walgreen's in Texas.

I made several new friends. I had a great day. Tomorrow we will head back to Ft Worth to spend the night at Charlies house and then head home Monday AM.

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