Saturday, September 29, 2012

All Deuce Reunion..Bastrop, TX

Ron, Don, Charlie and I left Ft Worth about 9AM for the Lost Pines Resort in Bastrop, TX. Its a 200 mile drive from Ft Worth. Bastrop is located east of Austin. We took the 2 lane there most of the way. It was a fun drive. Friday was a beautiful day. We hung out in the parking area (on the grass) and visited with old deuce friends and met several new ones. Plenty of fine deuces show up here. Most are from Texas. It rained Friday night over night. Saturday morning was foggy and drizzles. The sky would clear then cloud over and lightly rain. More of an nusiance than any thing else. Tonight was the awards banquet. It was Texas BBQ....very good. I was lucky enough to win "Hard Luck" and "Favorite Roadster" also received a trophy with a plaque that says...Most smiles per miles in a hot rod" that was cool. There were several door prizes, and a t shirt quilt raffle. A funn weekend. I plan to hit the road about 9AM and head for OKC in the morning.

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