Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Home Again

I left KC this morning at 7 AM, arriving home at 4:30. It was a good drive, Just a tad over 500 miles. The total trip home from Kerrville was 1550 miles. The drive there was 1405, so a total of 2955, just shy of 3000 miles. I need to add up the gallons of gas used. Just did that.....178 gallons. That avg's 17 mpg, days like today really takes the mpg down, (not so good at 80 to 85 mph!!) I35 is such a boring ride I had a hard time not speeding. Check the picture of the GPS! I passed a Walgreen warehouse truck to day, always a good sight to see...means more merchandise coming to make more sales! (see Pic) It seems good to be home, I am tired tonight. It was a great time, so many friends, new and old, neat cars, great scenery, good times!

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