Friday, July 9, 2010


I forgot to post a picture of Ed's blue Chevy truck, so I will tonight.

On Thursday I needed to be at registration by 4PM to meet a guy named Larry from Canada. He has a Cadillac two fours manifold with him that he sold to some guy in Mpls named Igor. I told them that I would transport it. I met them on the HAMB internet site. I found him, stuffed it into the trailer and headed for the big party at the hdqs hotel. We had special parking, a t shirt and free BBQ and beer.

Friday morning we headed for the fairgrounds (one exit down the road) under cloudy skies. By 10 AM the skies opened up and it poured for several hours. We spent most of the dasy in the vendor building, and the swap meet building. I think I dried the car 3 times. I found several things at the vendors that I needed, and some neat pedal pads in the swap meet...a good day. I sold a few key chains too.
Our hotel puts on a BBQ for us, so more free food tonight. Burgers, dogs, salads, pop, cool deal. I saw many friends from all over, always so fun to see everyone.
The weather says cooler and less humid and no rain for the next few days.

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