Saturday, June 20, 2009


We woke up Saturday to a cloudy grey day. The great thing was the temp....probably 72 for a high...what a great day for walking the swap meet, 100's of roadsters, 100's of other rods and customs and the vendor area. The swap meet was huge. Tons a great car parts, not rusty headers, lawn mowers, tires but good hot rod parts.
We saw many friends, a real good day. I think I sat by the car for 20 minutes while eating lunch only...I was walking and looking all day. My feet hurt tonight!
At 5PM there is a FREE BBQ for the roadster people, roast beef, chicken all the fixins, pop, water..a great feed. These guys know how to put on a show.All the club members are standing at the food line shaking our hands, thanking us for coming to their free show...that is how a show should be run, why do the cars have to pay to make the show people money??
The weather was just great, it is usually quite hot on the black top in the swap area, not this year. Tomorrow we will go back to the fairgrounds and walk some more. Rodney flies home in the afternoon, I will be on my own for the rest of the time. I will post some more pictures soon.
The pewter mugs are given out Sunday at 3, after that I will hit the road and drive 6 hours to Mesquite, NV.

1 comment:


Glad you are living it up Dale,be sure to tell the "Red Shirts" HI from Don Thomas in Bend, Oregon!! Reading your blog, guess you won't be heading this way, so have a great Fathers Day tomorrow & enjoy yourself!!----Have a safe trip home---Don