Monday, June 11, 2007

We left Belle Plaine at 8AM picked up 2 roadsters on a trailer in Mankato, makes 4 on the road and 2 on the trailer. It rained overnight but by the time breakfast is over the sky had cleared. We made it to Salina KS, 530 miles arrived at 7:30, got a hotel went to Chilis for dinner. Tomorrows plan is Albuquerque, 630 miles. Wednesday night is now Lake Havasu AZ for a styeak fry by some local 530 miles in a topless roadster, a couple of tall beers and a rack of doesnt get much better!! Gotta go to bed now, I am tired, leaving at 6:30 for more fun.

1 comment:

JC said...

Hi Dale, Sounds like you're having a great time. Wish I could be there with you.Did you get my email about my 32 being at the LA Roadster show? Could You get some pictures of you Jim and the car? I would really appreciate it. Gotta Go, have a safe trip and I'll keep following your progress. C YA JC